Royal Flush better than a full house - Tips for plumbing renovations
Plumbing problems can be a real pain. They can pop up out of nowhere and really put your plans on hold.
Tue 6th Oct 2020
Faulty light switches, high bills and electrical surges can all be a sign of electrical problems on your home circuit. As tempted as one may be to try and fix these problems yourself, you should NEVER work on electrical circuits if you are untrained. Trying to electrical work untrained can lead to serious injury or even death. To avoid this, it's important to know when to call in an electrician.
Electrical Surges
Electrical surges can be the result of many things, including damaged power lines, lightning strikes, poor household electrical wiring, and even defective appliances. If you are experiencing frequent electrical surges, an electrician can assess what your problem may be and how they can fix it.
Faulty Light Switches
If any of your light switches are not working correctly, there can be many causes. Dimmer switches that do not adjust correctly are usually the fault of poor craftsmanship. A mysterious switch that does not appear to connect to anything could signify a faulty outlet, circuit, or wiring. It is always beneficial to check with a professional electrician if you have any problems with your home wiring or are unsure what a problem may be.
Circuit Overload
Everyone has been guilty of daisy-chaining power boards at some point, as most houses do not have enough power points to cover the needs of a modern-day home. If your home is tripping often then consider making a few changes. For one, stop daisy-chaining, as this can overload and trip your circuits. Try spreading your electrical needs around the house to avoid overburdening a single circuit. Importantly, look into getting more power points installed in your house.
Light bulb blow-outs
If your lightbulbs are burning out frequently there may be a number of reasons as to why they are blowing. Your circuits wattage may be too high, insulation in the roof may be too close to the light causing it to heat up, wiring on your circuit or main may be faulty. If you are going through bulbs like there is no tomorrow, it might be worth reaching out to an electrician to help identify the cause of your bulb blowout botheration
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By Jack Kennedy