IN THE ESTATE of CHRISTINE ANNE CATLIN of 342 Tranmere Road, Tranmere in Tasmania Deceased.
Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the property or estate of the deceased CHRISTINE ANNE CATLIN who died 21 May 2024 at 342 Tranmere Road, Tranmere in Tasmania are required by the Executor of the Estate, JOHN CHARLES READ (in the Will called John Read) of 17 Reeve Street, Campania in Tasmania, to send particulars of such claim or claims to the Registrar (Probate Division), Supreme Court of Tasmania, Salamanca Place, Hobart in Tasmania by 7 January 2025 after which date the Executor may distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice
Dated 4/12/2024
JOHN CHARLES READ (in the Will called John Read)
By his solicitors
Solicitors for the Estate 169 Liverpool Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000
Hobart 7000