HEATHER CAROLINE McPHERSON late of Unit 25, 2 Piper Road, Geilston Bay, Tasmania, who died on 20 June 2024
Creditors, next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property or estate of the abovenamed deceased are required by the executors SCOTT CAMERON McPHERSON and FIONA JEAN BENKA c/- Dobson Mitchell Allport, Lawyers of First Floor 31 Stewart Street, Devonport Tasmania to send particulars of their claim to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Tasmania in writing on or before 26 April 2025 after which date the executors may distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the executors then have notice.
DATED this 26th day of March 2025.
DOBSON MITCHELL ALLPORT Practitioners for the estate
Hobart 7000