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NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO RESEAL PROBATE Notice is hereby given that, after the expiration of 14 days from the publication hereof, ZACHARY THEODORE ABLETT of 51 Harris Road, Ventnor in Victoria and CARLY MEADE of 35 Palm Beach Avenue, Cape Woolamai in Victoria, the executors of the will of the estate of DAVID JOHN ABLETT late of 51 Harris Road, Ventnor in Victoria, deceased, to whom probate of the said will was granted by the Supreme Court of Victoria on the 17th May 2024, will apply to the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that the seal of the Said Supreme Court of Tasmania may be affixed to the said probate pursuant to Part VI of the Administration and Probate Act 1935. Dated 28/08/2024 Shields Heritage, Lawyers

Hobart 7000