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ICN1163 | ABN: 22 965 382 705


Ankamuthi Native Title Group

Thursday 27 March 2025


This notice is to advise that Cape York Land Council (CYLC) will hold a meeting on Thursday 27 March 2025 in Injinoo for all members of the Ankamuthi Native Title Group. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss a proposed native title determination application (a native title claim) on behalf of the Ankamuthi Native Title Group over the areas not yet determined in the Northern Peninsula Sea Claim (QUD 114/2017) (NP Sea Claim) or the North Eastern Peninsula Sea Claim (QUD 115/2017) (NEP Sea Claim) that are part of the Endeavour Strait as shown on the map below (Disputed Area) and consider, if the meeting decides, to authorise the proposed native title determination application for the Disputed Area and Ankamuthi people to be the members of the Applicant for the proposed application. The CYLC lawyer assisting the Applicant in each of the NP Sea Claim and NEP Sea Claim will facilitate the meeting. Depending on the outcomes of the authorisation meeting on Thursday 27 March 2025, that CYLC lawyer will then assist the Applicant in the new claim for the Disputed Area to brief a new and separate lawyer (not employed by CYLC) to take over the running of the new native title claim.

The meeting will be held as follows:

Date: Thursday 27 March 2025

Time: 5.00pm – 8.00pm

Venue: Injinoo Hall, 54 McDonnell Street, Injinoo, QLD 4876

Purpose of the meeting

The CYLC lawyer and consultant assisting the Applicants in each of the NP Sea Claim and NEP Sea Claim will discuss with the Ankamuthi Native Title Group the process for authorising the proposed native title determination application over the Disputed Area. A native title determination application for the

Disputed Area is required under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) because the Ankamuthi Native Title Group members claim they alone hold native title rights and interests over the whole of the Disputed Area, and there is currently no native title claim over the Disputed Area that is made only on behalf the Ankamuthi

Native Title Group.

The authorisation process for the proposed claim will also include discussion about (1) the proposed discontinuation of that part of the NP Sea Claim within the Disputed Area and the reasons why that part of the NP Sea Claim should be discontinued and replaced with a new application for determination of native title, (2) which members of the Ankamuthi Native Title Group should be nominated as members of the Applicant for the proposed native title determination application, and so be authorised to make, and to deal with matters arising in relation to the proposed application.

Following discussion of the matters outlined above, the Ankamuthi Native Title Group will be asked to consider whether to authorise the making of the proposed application for the Disputed Area and those other matters outlined above.

Who is invited to attend these meeting?

The meeting is open to those Aboriginal people who are descendants by birth or adoption, in accordance with the traditional laws acknowledged and traditional customs observed by the Ankamuthi Native Title Group, from one or more of the following apical ancestors:

Any person who is a descendant of one or more of the apical ancestors listed above is invited to attend the meeting. Please contact CYLC if you would like to confirm whether you are a descendant of one or more of the apical ancestors listed above and so entitled to attend the meeting.

Confirmation of attendance and attendance by video-conference

To confirm attendance at this meeting please contact Jasmin Schubert on free call number 1800 623... or by email If you have queries about this meeting, please contact Parky Wirrick on 0409 548... or Note that there is limited funding available for travel assistance. Any requests for travel assistance should be made by Wednesday 19 March 2025. Video-conferencing facilities will be made available at the meeting. If you would like CYLC to arrange a video-conference so you can attend the meeting please contact CYLC on Jasmin Schubert’s number or email address above well in advance of the meeting date.

Cairns 4872