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Proposed Development

Make a submission from

09/09/2024 to 30/09/2024

Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot and a Preliminary Approval for Operational Work

Where : 112 Gross Avenue, Hemmant QLD 4174

On: Lot 2 on RP44421

Approval sought: Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot (1 into 17 Lots, Access Easement and New Road) and a Preliminary Approval for Operational Work (Filling and / or Excavation)

Application Ref: A006534394

You may obtain a copy of the application and make a submission to:

The Assessment Manager

Brisbane City Council

GPO Box 1434, Brisbane Qld 4001

(07) 3403 ...

A copy of the application can be obtained from Brisbane City Council,
located at 266 George Street, Brisbane QLD 4001;or

Public notification requirements are in accordance with the Planning Act 2016

Hemmant 4174