Notice of water extraction licence decision
(Pursuant to section 71D of the Water Act 1992)
The Controller of Water Resources has made a water extraction licence decision, based on a consideration of relevant factors under section 90(1) of the Water Act 1992 (the Act), to grant water extraction licence L10022 to take groundwater from a Local Aquifer, under section 60 of the Act.
Applicant - Austmin Development Pty Ltd
Volume of water (ML/year) - 32.1
Beneficial use - Mining activity
Land from which the water will be taken and used - NT Portion 4938 (3670 Arnhem Hwy, Mount Bundey) (EMLN46)
A copy of the full decision and the licence can be obtained from:
Review of decision (under section 105D of the Act) An affected person may apply for a review in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Act, within 28 days from:
Darwin 820