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Minemakers Australia Pty. Ltd. ("Minemakers"), the title holder of mining leases ML33343, ML33344 and ML33967, gives notice of intention to lodge an application for an Access Authority with the Minster for Mines and Industry pursuant to section 84(2) of the Mineral Titles Act 2010 (NT) to create and maintain a water supply pipeline and corridor over the area depicted in the plan and referred to as Access Authority.
In accordance with section 84(3) (a) of the Mineral Titles Act, Minemakers is required at least 14 days prior to making the application to the Minister give written notice in a newspaper in which the relevant land is situated.
Providing the Minister is satisfied that Minemakers has complied with the requirements of section
84(3) of the MTA and is satisfied that the infrastructure is essential for conducting the authorised activities
under a mineral title held by Minemakers, the Minister may grant the Access Authority to Minemakers on
such conditions specified in the Access Authority.
For further information please contact Steve Harrison, Chief Geologist for Minemakers and its parent company Avenira Limited on (08) 9264 ... or email

Costello 872