SHARYN-LEIGH BRENNAN late of Peace Haven, Norwood in Tasmania, deceased.
Creditors, next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property or estate of the deceased SHARYN-LEIGH BRENNAN who died on 9 June 2024 are required by the Administrators, ERYKAH MADISON TAIONE, CARLY LEIGH BRENNAN and KRISTYN JEAN CAMPBELL BRENNAN of C/- Douglas & Collins, 9-13 George Street, Launceston in Tasmania, to send particulars to the said Administrators and to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, GPO Box 167, Hobart in Tasmania by 19 April 2025, after which date the Administrators may distribute the assets of the deceased, having regard only to the claims of which the Administrators then have notice.
Dated 19 March 2025
Douglas & Collins
9-13 George Street
Hobart 7000