Maritime Safety Queensland
Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994, section 175A(3)
Date of notice: 25th November 2024
I, Nicholas Vernalls, am appointed as a Shipping Inspector under part 13 of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 (the Act).
Description of abandoned property:
Vessel 'Open Dinghy 3.1 m in length' (the ship) is an aluminium motor vessel powered by a 6 horse power Johnson outboard. The ship was anchored in the centre of the Pioneer River in position, -21.1333833˚ S, 149.17365˚ E, to the East of the Ron Camm Bridge, Bruce Highway, Mackay. The ship displayed no registration symbols, is painted black and not lit, so would be difficult to see at night. There was about 10 litres of fuel in two fuel caddies and one unserviceable lifejacket onboard. The outboard cowl was removed and placed on the back seat. The outboard leg was raised out of the water.
Where and when abandoned property was found:
The ship was reported by the public as being in position since the 9th November 2024. Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) inspected the ship on the 14th November 2024. MSQ found the vessel in the Pioneer River in position, -21.1333833˚ S, 149.17365˚ E.
I reasonably believe that the ship is abandoned property.
When abandoned property may be seized and removed:
The ship was removed from QLD waters on the 14th November 2024 by MSQ as it was a hazard to navigation and had no identifying marks to contact an owner. It is stored in a secure area at the Mackay Port.
Statement for the purposes of section 175A(5) of the Act:
If no one claims the property described above by the 6th January 2025, I may, having regard to the value and condition of the property and without further notice–
(a) sell the property by public auction; or
(b) destroy it.
If you wish to assert ownership in the property described above, you must attend in person the Mackay MSQ office at Floor 3, 44 Nelson St Mackay in the State of Queensland before 4pm on the 6th January 2025.
Nicholas Vernalls
Shipping Inspector, T306
Maritime Safety Queensland
Mackay 4741