Maritime Safety Queensland
Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994, section 175A(3)
Date of notice: 18/03/2025
I, Jake Christian Hennessey, am appointed as a Shipping Inspector under part 13 of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 (the Act).
Description of abandoned property:
3 metre personal watercraft, black hull yellow topsides, expired registration MN278Q.
Where and when abandoned property was found:
The property was first inspected on 21 October 2024 anchored in the intertidal zone adjacent to Nicklin Way Bridge, Mooloolah River.
The property was inspected again on 10 March 2025 and observed in a partially submerged state in the intertidal zone adjacent to Nicklin Way Bridge, Mooloolah River.
I reasonably believe that vessel is abandoned property.
When abandoned property may be seized and removed:
If the property described above is not claimed by 15 April 2025, it may be seized and removed.
Statement for the purposes of section 175A (5) of the Act:
If no one claims the property within the time stated above and I seize and remove it, I may, having regard to the value and condition of the property and without further notice–
(a) sell the property by public auction; or
(b) destroy it.
If you wish to assert ownership in the property described above, you must attend in person the Mooloolaba MSQ office at 1 Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba in the State of Queensland before 4pm on 15/04/2025.
Jake Hennessey
Shipping Inspector, T394
Maritime Safety Queensland
Sunshine Coast 4560