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Our Holdfast 2050 + Strategic Plan Review


In 2022, Council adopted a long-term strategic plan Our Holdfast 2050+. This plan sets out the focus areas to guide the City of Holdfast Bay’s future decision-making and investment, maintain quality of life, and meet the future needs of our community and environment.

Although the plan has only been in place since 2022, State legislation requires councils to review the strategic plan within two years of a general election.

While we think the plan is still relevant, we now seek your thoughts as part of the review to ensure our plan reflects our shared mid-term and long-term aspirations.

We invite you to review the Strategic Plan and share your thoughts on our vision, objectives, and aspirations for our city's future.

Share you view at:


• Phone 8229 ...

• Email with the subject header Strategic Plan Review

• Writing to Strategic Plan Review

City of Holdfast Bay

PO Box 19


You can access additional copies of Our Holdfast 2050+ at:

• Brighton Civic Centre, 24 Jetty Road, Brighton

• Glenelg Library, 2 Colley Terrace, Glenelg

• Brighton Library, 20 Jetty Road, Brighton

This engagement closes at 5pm Friday 4 October 2024

Adelaide 5000