Zamipet Dog High Strength Probiotics Plus Gut Protect 30 X 1.2g Pet: Dog Category: Dog Supplies Size: 0.1kg
Rich Description: ZamiPets gut health formula is designed to offer your pet a holistic blend of prebiotics probiotics and postbiotics that are tailored specifically for dogs. The formula contains a concentrated 7strain probiotic which may help with various stomach upsets and sensitivites. ZamiPets special guthealing blend can be used during and after antibiotic treatments which is a time of gut health vulnerability for your pet.
Holistic blend of Pre Pro amp Postbiotics specifically tailored for dog
Concentrated 7strain Probiotic with 2 Billion CFU per serve
May be used during and after antibiotic treatments
May be used for diarrhoea loose stools or flatulence
Fridgefree singleserve sachet
Unflavoured an easily mixed and hidden in meals
Australian made and designed
Supports digestion a healthy gut and immune system